Serenity Prayer, Using Definitions from Webster’s Online Dictionary

Serenity Prayer:


Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change

Courage to change the things I can

And Wisdom to know the difference.

With definitions:

Supreme or Ultimate Reality, perfect Power, Wisdom & Goodness, Creator & Ruler of the universe,

Allow me fulfillment of the privilege of utter calm and unruffled repose or quietude to receive willingly and to regard as proper, normal or inevitable the inanimate objects, individual qualities, facts, ideas or entities I am unable to alter, make different or replace with,

Mental or moral strength to venture, persevere and withstand danger, fear or difficulty to alter, make different or replace the inanimate objects, individual qualities, facts, ideas or entities made possible or probable by circumstances to alter, make different or replace,

And the ability to discern inner qualities and relationships, the good sense and wise attitude, belief or course of action, and teachings of the ancient wise men to perceive directly, have direct cognition of, understanding of, and to recognize the nature of the element or factor that separates or distinguishes the contrasting situations.


credit: Definitions from

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